The reports show that corn, soybeans, sorghum are outperforming their average pace.
Erik Gerlach is a state statistician. He said overall, the latest report shows progress.
“Corn harvested at 78 percent, which was well ahead of the 57 percent last year and ahead of the five-year average of 59 percent. I think that’s pretty obvious that we have had very little precipitation here over most of the harvest season, so, obviously our producers would be well ahead of getting the corn out. Same with beans, which is at nearly complete at 96 percent, which is right around last year’s 93 and ahead of the 87 percent average,” said Gerlach.
Gerlach said many farmers are also making progress planting winter wheat.
“It's pretty cut-and-dry for crop progress and condition this time of year. Harvest is wrapping up, people do look for the ratings on winter wheat, that would probably garner some attention because that crop is just coming out of the ground and needs to be ready to go for over-wintering. Just need some rain in the state, would probably be the story of crop progress and condition right now,” said Gerlach.
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