Climate in focus at agribusiness club event

Apr 20, 2023

The Missouri Soybean Association hosted a St. Louis Agribusiness Club event April 11 in Jefferson City that featured Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn and USDA Undersecretary Robert Bonnie speaking about a variety of ag issues, including conservation and climate efforts.

Bonnie emphasized “voluntary, producer-led efforts” as the best solution for the USDA’s climate efforts.

Members of the St. Louis Agribusiness Club bused to the Center for Soy Innovation in Jefferson City for the event, which included farmers and people who work for agribusinesses. Chinn said it is good for the industry to build and maintain connections among the different ag sectors.

Bonnie, the USDA undersecretary for farm production and conservation, spoke about efforts to reward farmers for conservation and climate practices, as well as incentivize others to try those practices, such as cover crops.

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