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SaskCanola Asks Union to Support Farmers

SaskCanola Asks Union to Support Farmers

Saskatoon -- A significant number of Saskatchewan canola farmers are currently experiencing difficult operational and financial situations caused by this spring's excessively wet farm acres and unprecedented flooding.

The Board of SaskCanola today strongly urged the SGEU, who represent the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance employees, to reconsider the timing of their current strike action until such time as famers who are in need of making claims can have them processed and receive crop insurance payments.

"Timing of the job action is a major concern. Canola farmers and other farming sectors in this province have been hit by extraordinary circumstances this spring and crop insurance payments are pivotal in alleviating the hardships that some Saskatchewan farmers affected by flooding and unseeded acres are currently facing. We believe that all agriculture stakeholders including SaskCanola, other farm organizations, unions and levels government need to do whatever they can to assist with the recovery of these farms and support farm families now," Brett Halstead, Chair of SaskCanola stated.

"We hope that the seriousness of these circumstances and the responsibility to work with farmers at this time will be a priority to those who can provide the necessary support required by our farming communities," Halstead concluded.

Source: Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission

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