The sharp reduction in the 2021-22 crush forecast is of course due to last summer’s Prairie drought which slashed domestic canola production by about 35% to 12.59 million tonnes. Projected exports are expected lower by Ag Canada as well, down to 5.4 million tonnes from 10.53 million a year earlier.
In a presentation at the annual general meeting of the Saskatchewan Crop Organizations earlier this month, analyst Marlene Boersch suggested the 2021-22 crush would likely top the Ag Canada estimate, perhaps reaching 9 million tonnes. On the other hand, she said exports would probably fall short of the government projection.
With the decline in the December crush, StatsCan estimated the month’s oil and meal production at 293,945 and 422,998 tonnes, respectively. That is down from 325,474 and 464,977 tonnes in November, and 397,850 and 517,016 tonnes in December 2020.
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