The Government of Canada, Swine Innovation Porc and their research partners have officially launched the Swine Cluster 4 research program. The Swine Cluster research program is an initiative which unites industry, government and academic partners around shared research priorities focused on fostering continued sustainability, resiliency and growth in the Canadian pork sector.
Pork sector stakeholders gathered yesterday in Sherbrooke, Quebec for the official launch of Swine Cluster 4.SIP Chair Arno Schober explains the Swine Cluster 4 program was developed using a highly collaborative approach intended to facilitate a research agenda that targets key pork industry priorities while avoiding duplication of efforts.
Quote-Arno Schober-Swine Innovation Porc:
The cluster is a five-year program and the total amount money allocated is just over 20 million dollars and it is really important for us to recognise that the Government of Canada is providing 10.6 million dollars to our cluster.The priorities are climate change and environment, economic growth and development and sector resilience and societal challenges.