“During the next several weeks, we will continue to see strong and wet storm systems move across the central and southern states. Increased odds for snow and cold as far south as Texas will mean possible impacts on calving and wheat,” he said. “Take this moisture now and make the most of it; look for a good start to this grazing season overall but be mindful that drought conditions will increase for the Southern Plains during summer and fall as we see our pattern change quickly.”
As La Niña’s influence grows, increased heat and drought-related issues are expected for the Central and Southern Plains. The moisture pattern will favor the northern tier of states and the Ohio to Tennessee Valleys.
Kevin Good, vice president of market analysis at CattleFax, reported that U.S. beef cow herd declined 2% with inventories at 28.2 million head at the beginning of this year.
“Though drought conditions did improve in many regions, over a third of the cow herd was affected by drought in 2023, causing limited heifer retention and more liquidation in some regions. This will limit growth to the cow herd near-term,” Good said.
Cow and bull slaughter is forecast to be 6.5 million head in 2024, down around 800,000 head, from 2023. CattleFax predicted feeder cattle and calf supplies outside of feedyards will be 1 million head smaller than 2023 at 24.1 million head.
Commercial fed slaughter in 2024 is forecast to decline by 750,000 to 24.8 million head. Cattle on feed inventories began 2024 up about 2% at 11.9 million head. Good noted, “Though inventories may remain somewhat elevated for a few months, they are expected to decline significantly through the second half of the year.”
After about a 1.3-billion-pound decline in 2023, beef production is expected to be down another billion pounds in 2024 to total about 25.9 billion pounds. The decline in production in 2024 will lead to a 1.7-pound decline in net beef supply to 56 pounds per person.
Mike Murphy, CattleFax chief operating officer, forecasted the average 2024 fed steer price at $184/cwt., up $9/cwt. from 2023. All cattle classes are expected to trade higher, and prices are expected to continue to trend upward. The 800-lb. steer price is expected to average $240/cwt., and the 550-lb. steer price is expected to average $290/cwt. Utility cows are expected to average $115/cwt., with bred cows at an average of $2,600/cwt.
“When thinking about what demand looks like, we need to think about what our consumer looks like with the U.S. economy being the driving factor going into 2024,” Good said. “Though inflation has moderated, consumer debt and interest rates, cheaper alternative proteins, and economic uncertainty may limit spending and impact purchasing decisions.”
2024 USDA All-Fresh Retail Beef prices are expected to average $7.90/pound and, while higher beef prices may soften consumer purchasing habits, Good predicted the consumer preference for the quality, consistency and safety of U.S. beef will continue to support relatively strong demand. “Premiums for higher quality beef should remain as consumers have shown a willingness to pay for Choice grade or better beef.”
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