For the first time we can remember, there was no National hog carcass price quote this morning. Nor were there regional quotes for the eastern corn belt, the western corn belt, or Iowa-Minnesota. The National average carcass price for Thursday was $109.54/cwt, up $1.73 compared to 7 days earlier. Peoria had a top live price today of $74/cwt. There was no quote from Zumbrota, MN this morning. The top price Friday for interior Missouri live hogs was $77.75/cwt which was 75 cents higher than the previous Friday.
Friday morning's pork cutout value was $119.59/cwt FOB the plants, up $5.40 from the week before and up $23.49 from a year ago.
Hog slaughter this week totaled 1.93 million head, up 10.3% from the previous holiday-short week before, but down 3.8% compared to last year.
The average live slaughter weight of barrows and gilts in Iowa-Minnesota last week was 286.7 pounds. That was unchanged from the week before and 10.0 pounds heavier than a year ago.
The June lean hog futures contract today closed at $114.57/cwt, up $1.22 for the week. July hog futures ended the week at $124.97/cwt, up $4.50 from the week before. August hogs also gained $4.50 this week to close at $129.30/cwt. The October contract ended the week at $107.77/cwt; December at $94.60/cwt.
This week's USDA Crop Progress report said that 95% of corn acres were planted by June 1. That is 7 points more than the week before, 5 points ahead of last year, and 1 point ahead of the 5 year average.
Corn futures were lower this week. The July contract lost 7 cents this week to close at $4.59. The September contract ended the week at $4.5625, down 2 cents from the previous Friday. December corn futures ended the week at $4.5775/bu.
Source: AGEBB