As of April 1st, 2022, new PST exemptions were implemented, which were made possible through regulatory changes. These Exemptions include:
• Prefabricated windbreaker panels for use in the protection and handling of livestock.
• Insulators for electrified livestock fences.
• Certain farm equipment attached to a registered vehicle.
• On-farm dugout excavation and trenching (in specific circumstances related to farming).
It was also clarified that the following products are also exempt from PST and are retroactive to April 1st, 2016:
• Water storage tanks used in spraying or irrigating crops.
• Storage tanks for weed control chemicals, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and liquid fertilizer.
• Adjuvants that improve their efficacy or application.
• Portable seed cleaners used on-farm by farmers in preparing their crop for storage or market (farmers in the business of seed cleaning must pay PST on their seed cleaning equipment).
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