By Liz Stahl
Farmers across parts of Minnesota have been dealing with excessively wet or persistently wet conditions that continue to delay crop planting. As wet conditions persist and final planting dates for crop insurance in Minnesota for corn (May 31 across southern Minnesota and May 25 across northern Minnesota) and soybean (June 10) approach, farmers are faced with the decision of whether or not to plant some of their crop / take prevent plant, plant their planned crop late, or switch to a different crop. There are many factors to consider when making these decisions and each farmer will need to evaluate what options fit best with their operation and situation.
The following is a discussion of some key considerations to assist farmers in making Prevent Plant decisions:
Crop insurance, prevent plant, and financial resources
Farmers should be in contact with their insurance representative for more details on the rules of prevent plant, implications of planting during the late planting period or switching crops, any follow-up management requirements, and impacts on items such as insurance coverage and actual production history (APH). A summary of this information is available at Crop insurance: important dates, resources and tax impacts.
For more details and information from USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA), see their Prevented Planting website. The U of MN Farm Business Management team has also developed a decision tool, the Delayed planting and replanting evaluator to help in the decision process.