Other insurance and income Support Programs

Feb 08, 2022

There are also different Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries-delivered Business Risk Management programs (BRM), provincial Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) and commercial insurance that offer different levels of support for producers who have experienced losses. Farmers are advised to:

  • Contact the Ministry if they hold an AgriInsurance (crop insurance) policy to open a claim.
  • Apply for AgriStability (if they do not already participate) AgriStability is a continuous program that provides assistance against severe drops in income, based on individual farm’s income and expenses in previous years, and considers losses to stored crop, nursery plants and livestock in assessments. Income loss in 2021 may include causes such as heat, labour issues, flooding losses. Applications for the 2021 year are still open, with interim payments often possible within a few weeks of application.
  • Contact their commercial insurance provider and start the claim process, keeping in mind, in many cases mobile equipment (e.g. tractors, harvesters) are insurable and often covered by commercial insurance.

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