On The Bright 'Cide

On The Bright 'Cide
Sep 06, 2017
Take Action grows to take on fungicide resistance
Take Action, an industry-wide partnership led by the soy checkoff, is expanding on its success to help farmers fight fungicide resistance. 
Although fungicide resistance is not as severe as herbicide resistance, soybean farmers should take action now to ensure it stays that way.
Taking a proactive approach to fungicide resistance can help preserve existing crop protection technologies and protect farmers’ long-term profitability. 
Although you have heard these best management practices before, they are still important and still effective:
  1. Scout fields regularly to pinpoint diseases and fungicide issues.
  2. Understand disease thresholds – know when it’s economical to apply a fungicide.
  3. Apply fungicide only when it makes sense. Spraying fungicide unnecessarily can lead to building resistance to the disease fighting tools currently on the market.
  4. Rotate fungicide modes of action.
  5. Select varieties and seed treatments resistant to your most problematic diseases.
Additional resources about fungicide and herbicide resistance, including classification charts, are available on IWillTakeAction.com.
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