NAWG Applauds Introduction of American Farmers Feed the World Act

Jun 23, 2023

Today, Representatives Tracey Mann (R-KS-01), John Garamendi (D-CA-08), Rick Crawford (R-AR-01), and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19) introduced the American Farmers Feed the World Act of 2023. NAWG applauds this bipartisan effort to keep the food in America’s international food aid programs as Congress looks to reauthorize the Farm Bill in 2023. As part of this legislation, Congress would restore the original intent of the Food for Peace program without spending additional Farm Bill resources, all while safeguarding the interests of American farmers.

“The American Farmers Feed the World Act of 2023 allows us, American wheat farmers, to share our production and contribute to the fight against global hunger,” said National Association of Wheat Growers President and Oregon wheat farmer, Brent Cheyne. “Wheat is a staple whole grain that accounts for roughly 20 percent of calories consumed globally, and U.S. wheat farmers produce the best, highest quality wheat that helps feed the world. Over the years, we have witnessed a shift away from utilizing American commodities in food aid programs, which has eroded transparency, accountability, and bipartisan support. As we look toward reauthorizing the Farm Bill later this year, this bipartisan legislation is a crucial step toward renewing the role of American agriculture in fighting global hunger. It demonstrates our commitment to providing food aid to vulnerable populations while supporting our farmers over that of foreign ag competitors.”