MN Corn Innovation Grant Application Now Available

Jan 12, 2016

You are invited by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association and Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council to engage in helping showcase the innovative nature of Minnesota farmers in addressing pressing issues facing corn production.
As many of you know, there has been increasing pressure and public opinion that farmers either aren’t concerned or aren’t doing enough to help solve questions concerning nitrate loss from our fields or in our ground water.
The Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council continues to invest your check off dollars in research to help address these questions.
This request for proposals (RFP) is an invitation to all corn growing members to develop and submit a proposal to test an idea or practice on your farm with the specific goal to reduce nitrate loss, improve your soil health, and protect ground water quality.
Your proposal will be reviewed by a team of farmers and scientists for funding consideration and you will receive word on funding decisions by March 15, 2016.
Grants are limited to active corn farmers and each proposal may request funding for up to $7,000 per year with the possibility for renewal for an additional two years if needed.
Proposals are due by February 15, 2016 for the 2016 growing season. We know this is a very short time frame but hope that some of you may have ideas already in mind that could be implemented this year. If you need more time, we anticipate a request to come out this fall to give farmers the winter months to work on a proposal for the 2017 growing season.
We will also have up to five grants available to help corn farmers host a field day on individual farms to showcase a practice you already have working on your operation to reduce nitrate loss, improve soil health, and protect groundwater to other farmers and state and local leadership.
These grants will provide a one-time award for up to $5,000 to assist with expenses for hosting a field day on your farm. The details are also highlighted in the request for proposals and the due date for them is also February 15, 2016. These proposals will also be reviewed by a team of farmers and educators.

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