In South Dakota , very limited sales this week with steady prices . As r e ported from other states fall field work is keeping many from marketing and purchasing of forages . Most hay buyers are only buying what is neede d rather than lock in a price for their feeding season supply.
For Missouri, a very good supply of hay for a very light demand with steady pricing. Many hours this week spent on fall grain harvest, with limited activity at hay auction s . Grain harv est is ahead of the five year average.
In Southwest Minnesota, l iterally no prime quality hay at auction and prices were weak for the lower quality hay. Very small sample this week with only two loads of alfalfa hay sold .
For Illinois, demand for hay is light to moderate, for moderate to heavy offerings with steady prices . The 2015 growing season was one of the most diffi cult for hay producers . Rainfall , while necessary was a determent for dry hay production in 2015. In Wisconsin , limited supply of qu a lity hay at auction , along with a large volume of lower quality hay produces weak prices.
As other comments have stated , many producers are focused on fall field wo rk, with limited attention to hay purchasing. Currently across Wisconsin there is a good supply of lower quality hay . The M idwest straw market overall was mixed this past we ek . Small square bale straw has a st rong market ; with a n average price t o $ 3 . 6 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) .
Large square bale straw price was strong this week , with average price of $ 3 5 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 24. 00 to $ 49 .00); and large round bale straw prices were weak this week ; with a n average price of $ 29 .00 per bale ( range of $ 1 2 .00 - $ 40 .00 per bale ) . ( Please note th ere wa s a very limited sample this week as many markets didn ’ t report any straw sales ).
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