4-H Canada and CN are pleased to announce the 2017 4-H Canada Leadership Awards of Distinction (L.E.A.D.) recipients. These four exceptional senior members from across Canada embody the leadership excellence and academic achievement that every 4-H’er strives to meet.
L.E.A.D., 4-H Canada’s most prestigious and highly-sought after scholarship, is made possible through a generous partnership with CN, a long-time supporter of 4-H Canada and strong champion for advancing leadership in communities across Canada. This scholarship recognizes four such leaders each year, outstanding 4-H’ers who embody the 4-H youth movement, and who demonstrate personal development, community impact and leadership excellence in each of 4-H Canada’s four Leadership Development Pillars.
The 2017 4-H Canada L.E.A.D. recipients are:
Sara Kate Smith (BC) L.E.A.D recipient for the Community Engagement and Communications Pillar
Evan Krebs (ON) L.E.A.D recipient for the Science and Technology Pillar
Sadie-Jane Hickson (ON) L.E.A.D. recipient for the Environment and Healthy Living Pillar
Thian Carmen (NS) for the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Pillar