Feeding Green Canola Seed

May 22, 2013

Below is an article that was published on Monday (May 20th) in the Prairie Swine Centre E-Zine about reducing feed costs using green canola seed.
Pork producers are always looking for new ways in which they can increase their efficiencies through reducing feed costs. Feeding coproducts from the fuel ethanol industry like distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) or from the wheat flour industry like millrun can reduce feed cost and spare inclusion of imported soybean meal. But these coproducts have reduced starch content that propels pigs to grow. Calories thus need to come from other sources instead like fat. One high fat feedstuff that can spare calories from starch is green canola seed. It might be available as close as your own farm or the neighbours.

To read the full article, visit the following link: http://www.ontariopork.on.ca/Portals/0/Docs/Research/Feeding_Green_Canola_Seed.pdf

Daily Market Outlook Report (data is subject to change during the day)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

* Click on the link to view the Ontario Pork Universal Services Daily Market Outlook Report.

Source: OntarioPork

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