Evaluating Double-Cropping and Intercropping Soybean and Winter Wheat

Feb 08, 2023

By Andrew Malcomson

Based on our results, the wheat averaged 86 bushels per acre, and no treatments affected yield. Also, there was no statistical difference in yield across planting dates (Figure 1) nor was there a difference between strip-till and no-till in monocrop soybeans (Figure 2). For intercrop soybeans, our data showed that the latest planting of May 19 th along with using strip-till produced the highest yields.

Lastly, we conducted a basic economic analysis and determined that monocrop soybeans are more profitable when compared to our version of intercropping at $8 and $14 soybean market prices (Figure 3). We used a wheat market price of $5.40 when considering wheat income in the intercrop systems.

Source : wisc.edu
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