Producers will have a chance to get hands-on experience with Agroclimate website. AgroClimate uses crop simulation models along with climate data allowing producers to compare changes in possible outcomes under different conditions. Users can monitor growing degree days, chill hours, freeze risk, disease risks for selected crops and current and projected drought conditions. They can also learn about climate cycles affecting the Southeast, such as the El Niño.
Finally, participants will hear from farmers, industry representatives and Extension professionals during a panel discussion on agricultural solutions as well as a climate outlook for this summer and fall.
“Sponsored by Southeast Climate Extension project, this workshop offers growers a unique opportunity to learn from other growers as well as Extension professionals and scientists from a number of universities,” said Ortiz.
Southeast Climate Extension Project is a network of row crop farmers, agricultural Extension specialists, researchers and climate scientists engaging in climate adaptation dialogue in the southeastern United States. AG Solutions Day is the Southeast Climate Extension Project’s annual adaptation exchange outreach event.

Vetch is a native legume which can be planted as cool season forage.