Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture Competition Announces 2017 Winners

Nov 13, 2017

The Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture (CYSA) Competition is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 competition which took place Saturday, November 4, at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto.
Senior Champion: Lois Schultz, Wetaskiwin, AB; First Runner-up: Maria Clemotte, Nanaimo, BC; Second Runner-up: Jennifer Betzner, Lynden, ON.
Junior Champion: Rosemund Ragetli, Winnipeg, MB; First Runner-up: Quentin Albrecht,Holden, AB; Second Runner-up: William Orr, Howick, QC.
The 33rd edition of CYSA welcomed 27 competitors, aged 11 to 24, from across Canada who offered their insights and solutions regarding the following topics:
  • Working in agriculture is more than just farming.* Does digital farming have a place in the future of Canadian agriculture?
  • Farm gate to dinner plate: The importance of food traceability for Canadian consumers.
  • How will we feed 9 billion people by 2050?
  • Food waste: What is the global impact and who is responsible for making a change?
"This is another exciting year for the competition for two reasons: this is the first we've had so many juniors participating and it marks another year where participants from all ten of Canada's provinces are competing," said Ted Young, CYSA Board Chair. "While each winner is a true and deserving champion, in my eyes each and every one is a winner. We are so pleased to have all these young people from across our nation come to tell their story about Canadian agriculture."
"There is never a year and never a competitor that is anything but exceptional!" said CYSA
president April Stewart. "Each competitor delivers their speech with such passion and insight while conducting themselves most professionally. These young adults are definitely some of tomorrow's leaders."
As announced after the Seniors final round the topics for 2018 will be:
* My view on diversity in Canadian agriculture.
* Canadian agriculture needs more people - and this is how we're going to get them.
* What is sustainability and why does it matter to Canadian agriculture?
* The next big thing in Canadian agriculture is: _______
* How can we educate urban populations about where our food comes from and the industry standards involved?
Each year the renowned public speaking competition is held at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (a Platinum sponsor of CYSA) in Toronto. The competition is open to youth ages 11 to 24 with a passion for agriculture whether raised on a farm, in the country or in the city. 
Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture is a national, bilingual competition that provides a platform for participants to share their opinions, ideas and concerns about the Canadian agrifood industry in a five- to seven-minute prepared speech. 

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