“Let’s be clear, wild pigs on the Canadian Prairies are expanding completely out of control,” Brook stated in a University of Saskatchewan article last December.
The landscape in Woodlands County, 170 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, is ideal habitat for wild pigs, Fortin explained at the Alberta Invasive Species Council’s (AISC) conference in March. One wild boar farm was established in the county during the early 1990s, and Fortin notes it wasn’t escapees from this farm alone that led to the local wild pig issue, as there were other farms in neighbouring municipalities.
rd tour one year, until the late 1990s, when the county staff and councillors began receiving complaints about escaped wild boars from nearby landowners. “There were complaints even made directly to our local MLA, the RCMP, and Fish and Wildlife,” she says. Reports included damage to crops, stacked bales, infrastructure and riparian areas, as well as aggressive behaviour, contaminated water sources and human safety concerns.
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