The government is investing an additional $100,000 in the Blueberry Pollination Expansion Program to support blueberry growers who keep bees to pollinate their crops.
“Beekeepers’ pollination services are essential to the production of blueberries and other crops in Nova Scotia. To grow more blueberries, we need more bees to pollinate the plants – it’s that simple,” said Greg Morrow, Minister of Agriculture. “These additional funds help address a need and encourage growers to invest in keeping more hives.”
Blueberry growers may apply for funding to expand the number of hives they keep or purchase equipment to improve efficiency in their bee operations.
The program is one of 14 Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs now accepting applications for 2022. The partnership is a five-year federal-provincial-territorial cost-shared initiative that supports farmers and agri-businesses. In Nova Scotia, the annual investment is $7.4 million.