The hog industry faces a formidable challenge in combating a range of diseases, from PRRS to African swine fever (ASF). PRRS stands as the biggest culprit, inflicting billions of dollars in losses for hog producers each year. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as new technologies and research offer potential solutions to fortify the industry's defenses.
One promising development comes from the Pig Improvement Company, which is pioneering a PRRS-resistant pig using gene-editing technology. While awaiting FDA clearance for this innovation, other smaller companies are also exploring similar avenues.
Modified live vaccines have proven effective in recent years, though the ever-evolving strains of the PRRS virus present an ongoing challenge for researchers and producers. Balancing the risks associated with live viruses, producers must remain vigilant in their approach.
Amidst the fight against disease, a primary focus lies on developing a vaccine for the virulent African swine fever. Although not reported in the United States, outbreaks have hit countries in close geographic proximity, prompting heightened concern.