Americot provides growers with cotton varieties of high yield potential, excellent fiber quality, and disease tolerance with the most recent technologies that growers want and need to be successful.
In 2017, Americot will offer three new Bollgard II XtendFlex varieties and one new XtendFlex only variety to cotton growers:
- NG 3699 B2XF is an early-medium maturing variety with excellent yield potential, excellent fiber quality and Verticillium wilt and bacterial blight tolerance. NG 3699 B2XF is suited to plant on the south plains of Texas where early-med maturing varieties are preferred.
- NG 4601 B2XF is a medium-maturing variety with excellent yield potential and excellent fiber quality. NG 4601 B2XF is well suited to the lower Mississippi River Delta – including Louisiana and Mississippi – the lower Southeast, as well as central and south Texas.
- NG 4689 B2XF is a medium-maturing variety with excellent yield potential, excellent fiber quality and Verticillium wilt and bacterial blight tolerance. NG 4689 B2XF is well suited to the south and rolling plains of Texas and Oklahoma on both irrigated and dryland acres.
- NG 3640 XF is an early-medium maturing XtendFlex-only variety with excellent yield potential, excellent fiber quality and Verticillium wilt and bacterial blight tolerance. NG 3640 XF is well suited for the south plains of Texas on both irrigated and dryland acres.
In addition to the four new varieties, Americot will continue to offer the following: