Alberta Benefits From Federal Investment in Clean Technology

May 08, 2019

Calgary, Alberta -  Natural Resources Canada - Developing Canada’s natural resources in more sustainable ways will grow our economy, create good, middle-class jobs and help fight climate change.
The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, today announced an investment of $8 million investment in an Alberta oil sands company for a clean technology demonstration project that has the potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent.
MEG Energy Corporation’s technology will reduce the amount of steam and water used for bitumen production while enhancing bitumen recovery.
Accelerating clean technology development in the oil and gas sector is a key component of the government’s approach to promoting economic growth and job creation, while protecting our environment. Funding for this project is provided through Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Growth Program (CGP).  Alberta Innovates and Emissions Reduction Alberta are providing an additional $2 million and $10 million, respectively. Sustainable Development Technology Canada is also investing up to $10 million in the project.
Through Canada’s national energy dialogue, Generation Energy, Canadians made it clear that clean technology solutions are not a luxury but a necessity for Canada’s low-carbon future. Canada will continue to support clean technology projects that create jobs, support investment and industry competitiveness, advance our clean future and help realize our global climate change goals.

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