The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) announces $2 million available to applicants for applied Crop Research Grants. Research must focus on improving agricultural product quality, quantity and value. Projects must benefit Minnesota farmers and the state’s economy in the next three to five years. Maximum grant awards are $250,000 per project, which can last up to three years.
Any Minnesota organization, research entity, individual, or business with agricultural research capability is eligible and encouraged to apply for funding. This includes: farmers/farmer networks, institutions of higher education, research institutions, nonprofit organizations, agricultural cooperatives, and agricultural businesses with research capabilities.
Applications for the Fiscal Year 2017 grants must be received by 4:00 p.m. November 22, 2016 and may be submitted to the MDA by mail, email or in person. To view grant details and the Request for Proposals, visit the Crop Research Grant Program webpage. The online application is now available.
The Crop Research Grant Program is part of the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Program created by the Minnesota Legislature to advance Minnesota’s agricultural and renewable energy industries. The AGRI Program focuses on creating jobs and profitable businesses in the areas of livestock investment, value-added business and market development, crop production and processing research, and renewable energy.