10 Year Deadline to Activate Egg Production Quota

Apr 25, 2016
In 2009, the Egg Farmers of Alberta (EFA) allotted over base quota for the first time after reaching their base quota threshold of 1,705,690 birds.
The April 19, 2009, over base allotment was calculated at a rate of 5.0697 per cent of a producer’s base quota. If producers did not have room to place the newly allotted quota in their own facility, EFA’s policy provided the flexibility for producers to lease this quota out for a maximum of 10 years. 
In three years, on April 18, 2019, all quota from the 2009 allotment must be activated in the production facilities of the producer to whom the quota is allotted, at the current hen housing specifications, or the quota will revert to the Board. 
Producers wanting to confirm the status of 2009 quota allotment should contact the EFA’s producer services administrator.
Source : Agriculture and Forestry