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American Simmental Cattle Conference hosted by Purdue University

Beef researchers from several universities and industry experts will come together at Purdue University’s Beck Agricultural Center for the American Simmental Cattle Conference Aug. 28-29 near West Lafayette.

Both purebred and commercial producers from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin are expected to be in attendance, said Matt Claeys, Purdue Extension livestock specialist and conference coordinator.

“During the conference, we will discuss how producers can add value to their cattle, how to effectively use the information provided by an ultrasound and how to save money on feeding cows and effectively lower their cow costs,” Claeys said.

The conference costs $15 per person for individuals who pre-register and $30 per person for on-site registration. Vocational ag teachers and Extension educators may pre-register at no cost, but will not be permitted to do so on site. A registration form is available at .

The American Simmental Cattle Conference will begin at 6 p.m. Aug. 28 with a reception and sandwiches, and Claeys will give a brief welcome at 6:45 p.m.

Sessions that evening include: “Single Trait Selection and Recessive Defects, Two Dangerous Situations,” by Purdue’s Terry Stewart, animal breeding and genetics specialist; “Internet Access to the Genetic Status of all Animals in ASA’s Database,” by Steve McGuire of the American Simmental Association; and a panel discussion, “SimGenetics Role in the Beef Industry.” Panelists include Aaron Arnett, representing Select Sires; Doug Parrett from the University of Illinois; Richard Huntrods from the Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center; and Curt Rincker, past president of the Illinois Cattlemen’s Association. Marty Ropp of the American Simmental Association will moderate the panel.

Saturday’s sessions, held at the Purdue Animal Science Research and Education Center’s Beef Unit, will begin at 8:15 a.m. with a short welcome by Ron Lemenager, Purdue Extension beef management specialist, and Brian DeFreese, manager of the Purdue Beef Unit. At 8:30 a.m., participants will evaluate heifer classes and cow/calf pairs. Following the evaluation, Allen Bridges, Purdue Extension livestock reproduction specialist, will discuss fetal detection and the likelihood of re-absorption at different stages of gestation while Dan Buskirk, Michigan State University Extension beef cattle nutrition specialist, will talk about hay feeding considerations including intake, waste and quality. Also Jon Schoonmaker, Purdue beef cattle nutrition expert, will focus on the use of byproduct feeds.

At 10:45 a.m., Lemenager will give his thoughts on the future of the industry and who will survive. Then, to wrap things up, the evaluation winners will be announced and the conference will dismiss around 11:30 a.m.

For individuals looking for hotel accommodations, rooms have been blocked at the Econo Lodge, located off Indiana 43 N. at Exit 178, for a rate of $59.99. The hotel’s phone number is 765-567-7100 and the block name is “Simmental.”

Directions to the Purdue Animal Science Research and Education Center are available at . For questions and additional information visit or call 406-556-9636.

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