VIDO-InterVac Examines Methods to Ensure 100 Percent Destruction of PEDv

Jun 15, 2015

Researchers with VIDO-InterVac are evaluating a combination of methods to ensure 100% disinfection of swine transport vehicles.

As part of a multiphase initiative being conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc to automate the washing and disinfection of swine transport vehicles to reduce the risk of exposure to PEDv and other pathogens, scientists with VIDO-InterVac and the Prairie Swine Centre are examining physical methods for deactivating these organisms.

Dr. Volker Gerdts, the associate director research with VIDO-InterVac, says the key factor with PEDv is that the number of viral particles required to cause disease is very low and once the pigs are sick they shed lots of virus so you need 100% disinfection.

Dr. Volker Gerdts-VIDO-InterVac:
As you know a truck, there's manure on it and manure gets then hidden behind certain corners or little pieces of metal or what ever, so the key issue for this is that you are getting to all the material and you that have penetration into all the organic matter.

Manure consists of a lot of organic matter and the viruses within this cell and you have to ensure that what ever means you're using, that there is enough contact time between your disinfectant and your virus.
So this project is looking at more effective ways of cleaning the truck and disinfecting the material, potentially contaminated material that has the virus.

Our role in the project is to look at what means do you have to use to completely inactivate the virus?
In other words we're looking at heat for example, we're looking at various disinfectants, at things like that to verify that the virus is completely inactivated.

Dr. Gerdts says the goal over the next six to eight months will be to demonstrate the methods being used completely destroy the virus, then a test truck will be built to mock real world conditions.

Source: Farmscape

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