Data collection for the July survey took place from July 15-19, which coincided with the dates for the Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee.
When asked about their biggest concerns in the year ahead, the top choice among producers once again was high input costs, chosen by 34% of respondents. However, weak commodity prices were also on producers’ minds, as 29% of producers in the July survey pointed to the risk of lower crop and livestock prices as a top concern, up from 25% of respondents in June.
Only 17% of respondents cited rising interest rates as a top concern, down from 23% in June, consistent with signals from the Fed that interest rates have peaked.
The Farm Financial Performance Index weakened by 4 points in July to 81 leaving the index 6 points lower than a year earlier. July’s decline followed back-to-back improvements in the index in May and June. The index’s fall reflects farmers’ concerns about the impact of weakening commodity prices combined with high input prices.
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