Each will be discussed, along with best practices to address those common challenges.
Don't overcrowd holding area
Trying to fit too many cows into a limited space for extended periods can be detrimental to animal welfare, production and health. In the holding area, cows are standing on concrete, away from feed, water and comfortable stalls.
Signs of an overcrowded holding pen include cows with their heads up, unable to plant their four feet on the ground, and looking restless and uncomfortable. Short-term overcrowding can also result from misuse of the crowd-gate, by employees pushing it too far forward and smashing the cows.
Overcrowding can become particularly uncomfortable during the summer months. Cows generate a lot of body heat, and they need air flow around them to dissipate that heat. In hot weather, a lot of cow bodies close together exacerbates heat stress and discomfort.
Best practice to combat overcrowding is to try and minimize stress and discomfort. Maintaining appropriate stocking densities in holding areas is crucial for cow welfare. Parlor and pen sizes should be balanced to ensure cows spend no more than one hour away from their pens per each milking. Recommended stocking density per cow in the holding area is at least 20 square feet.
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