The Swine Health Information Center has introduced new influenza A virus state-level monitoring dashboard.The Swine Health Information Center's domestic disease monitoring report, released as part of its April eNewsletter, indicates influenza A virus positivity increased substantially in the wean-to-market category in February, with 51 percent the positive cases being lung submissions.
To help pork producers keep on top of influenza A, SHIC has introduced its new influenza A virus state-level monitoring dashboard.SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says the influenza A monitoring dashboard is a great resource.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
It can actually show aggregate data of where influenza is by the state level and it can show that detection over time as well as characterize it by what specimen was submitted, what age group and then again show that graphically in a geographical area.Because influenza isn't seasonal, it really is important to understand where is the activity and where are animals being submitted from that are seeing high caseloads?