The program for the 33rd Milan No-Till Field Day has been announced, with topics such as pesticide restrictions, herbicide-resistant weeds and climate-smart agriculture headlining this year’s event. Hosted on Thursday, July 25, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan, attendees will be able to attend fifteen different tours discussing no-till farming.
Each tour will be led by up to seven speakers from the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and other organizations across the Mid-South. Topics will include:
- No-Till Corn Production
- No-Till Cotton Production
- No-Till Soybean Production
- Update on Pesticide Labels and History of the Endangered Species Act (ESA); Georgia’s Work on Pesticide Use Limitation Areas for Endangered Species
- Herbicide-Resistant Weed Management
- Impacts of ThryvOn Technology on Economically Important Insects in Cotton
- Crop Water Management
- Cover Crops
- Cover Crops: Current and Future Trends?
- Climate-Smart Agriculture and Soil Health
- Hemp Production
- Ag Water Treatment: Navigating the Produce Safety Rule
- The Ongoing Transformation of UT AgResearch Centers Through American Rescue Plan Funding
- Soil Fertility Management
- Soil Borne Soybean Diseases
“While the fundamental components of no-till have remained the same, new challenges do arise,” says Blake Brown, director of the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. “Our highly anticipated field day provides research-based information to help farmers succeed in this ever-changing industry.”