The Executive Director of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan reports visits to are now peaking at over one million per month. was launched by Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan in 2019 in an effort to reach more Canadian consumers and is highlighted as part of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan's May eNewsletter.
Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says we do a great job in the agriculture industry of talking to ourselves, other farmers, people in agribusiness but we really need to talk to the individuals in cities, like Vancouver and Montreal and give them an opportunity to engage with food and get a better understanding of food production.
Quote-Clinton Monchuk-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:
Really what we're trying to bring into CanadianFoodFocus is those who have a genuine interest in food.A lot of the market research that we've done throughout the country indicates that people really do have questions about their food so we want to create an avenue where people can go to get transparent, truthful information about how their food is grown, different nutritional facts, how to use your food.