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John Deere Introduces Affordable Guidance Systems

Decisions on what to plant next year are going to be hard to make, especially if commodity prices don’t rebound. So for producers who had hoped to enter the world of precision guidance systems for tractors, there is timely news from John Deere. They have introduced a new low-cost entry-level guidance solution. Laura Robson, Senior Marketing Representative in guidance at John Deere said the new equipment includes the “StarFire 300 receiver, which is WAAS capable. So it receives that free government signal and gets you within plus or minus thirteen inches. And there is the GreenStar Lightbar, which helps producers manually guide their machines through the field keeping them accurately on the path. This is definitely the first step when we look at guidance solutions. It is a manual guidance solution so you still have your hands on the wheel and you’re visually looking at that lightbar to tell you where to drive.”

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Day 2 - Finally Going

Video: Day 2 - Finally Going

So we got the O ring fixed the night before, and we now think we got most the bugs out of everything, so hoping for a smoother day today!