American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on the House and Senate Agriculture committees releasing title-by-title overviews of the 2024 farm bill.
“AFBF appreciates the House and Senate Agriculture committees’ progress to enact a new, modernized farm bill this year. We’re encouraged to see both proposals acknowledge that programs farmers and ranchers across the country use require additional investment in the face of falling commodity prices and increased inflation. And both proposals recognize the important role farmers and ranchers play in protecting our land, water and air through voluntary, working lands conservation programs.
“Details are important, however, and there is still a lot of work to do. While there will inevitably be disagreements on specific provisions and funding levels of several programs, we encourage both chairs to hold a markup this month so that all members of the Agriculture committees can bring their ideas forward. We urge lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to work together in a bipartisan manner to find consensus and pass a farm bill before the extension expires this year.