2. Wildlife contact
Identifying key areas on the farm where beef cattle potentially comingle with wildlife is a key factor when considering the risk of transmission of infectious diseases to a herd. For example, when cattle share pastures and water sources with other cloven-hooved animals such as deer and elk, diseases such as tuberculosis can spread between cohorts. Additionally, close contact with wild birds and other wildlife and their droppings should also be limited as much as possible to prevent cross-contamination between species.
3. Shared trailers and equipment
Farmers often work together in busy seasons to be more efficient with their time and resources. When agreeing with a neighbor to work together, consider having a conversation about the risk factors associated with possible cross-contamination between farms, and make every effort to minimize those risks. Some jumping-off points include ensuring both herds have a similar vaccination and health status and thoroughly cleaning the shared equipment between uses.
4. Horse lending
When lending a hand to the neighbors we often think about cleaning our trailers and washing our boots, but what about horses? When a horse has spent time in a neighboring herd, there should be adequate time and measures taken to ensure they are not bringing home pathogens on their feet or in their respiratory tracts, so some level of quarantine is recommended.
5. Livestock shows
The comingling of people, equipment and animals at 4-H events, local fairs, livestock shows and markets pose a large risk to farming operations. Any animals or equipment returning from these events must be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and quarantined.
6. Raw colostrum from other farms
Cows from within your own herd will have the best antibody profile in their colostrum to protect your calves from the diseases persistent in your environment. Raw colostrum from other farms, especially dairies, may not include all the antibodies to protect against the diseases that threaten your herd.
Worse than that, it could also contain dangerous viruses, bacteria or parasites that are not part of your environment already. Introducing pathogens such as highly pathogenic avian influenza, Johne’s disease, Cryptosporidium, and scours-causing organisms can cause devastating results. If you have calves that require colostrum but have none from your herd on hand, opt for pasteurized powdered colostrum instead.
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