According to Kuchipudi, while much less transmissible than SARS-CoV-2, monkeypox is known to transmit between animals via close contact with skin lesions or bodily fluids. Among humans, although not fully known, there is the possibility that the virus may also transmit via respiratory droplets, potentially playing a critical role in secondary transmission after the primary skin route. However, once the virus enters the body, its pathogenesis is not well understood.
“Most of the research on monkeypox is decades old,” said Kuchipudi. “Our goal is to fill this gap by investigating the pathogenesis of monkeypox in human cells and identifying targets for therapeutic development. We’re currently aware of two different strains of the virus that have been detected in the U.S., and our work will use the less virulent strain, which is that from Western Africa.”
According to the CDC, although vaccines are available, currently there is no specific treatment approved for monkeypox virus infections; however, antivirals developed for use in patients with smallpox may prove beneficial. In collaboration with Marco Archetti, associate professor of biology, the researchers will explore a novel, post-infection therapeutic — a synthetic defective interfering (DI) particle-based therapy for monkeypox. Archetti previously designed and demonstrated the effectiveness of a synthetic DI therapy for COVID-19.
“A synthetic defective virus is a harmless version of a real virus that interferes with the real virus’ growth,” said Archetti. “These defective viruses are like parasites of the real virus. Eventually, they cause the extinction of both the disease-causing virus and themselves.”
Lora Weiss, senior vice president for research, Penn State, noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to expand our study and understanding of zoonotic diseases.
“For a variety of reasons, we are becoming more aware of zoonotic diseases in the U.S., and our researchers are at the forefront of studying these diseases to better understand emerging pathogens with the potential to harm human health,” she said. “We believe that scientific research like this will not only inform public health, but is also critical to advancing scientific knowledge, enabling us to develop treatments in advance of disease emergence.”
This research will be performed at the Eva J. Pell BSL-3 Enhanced Laboratory for Advanced Biological Research, a secure bio-containment facility built and operated under criteria mandated by the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, that was built to enable Penn State scientists to conduct research on infectious diseases and pathogens. The researchers have obtained the necessary regulatory approvals and are following all safety protocols and procedures required by the federal government and the University to conduct this type of research. All members of the team are fully trained and have received proper approvals to work with infectious disease agents.
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