USDA Proposes to Adjust Membership of the United Soybean Board

Jun 18, 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking comments on a proposal to reapportion the United Soybean Board’s member representation by adding a member from New York and removing a member from North Dakota. The proposed adjustment is necessary to reflect shifts in soybean production levels occurring in each state since the last board reapportionment in 2021 and as required by the Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act (Act).

Membership on the board is reviewed every three years and adjusted, if necessary, as required by the Act. The changes would be included in the Soybean Promotion and Research Order and would be effective for the 2025 board appointment process. The reapportionments would not affect the total number of Board membership, which would remain at 77 members.

The proposed rule for this action was published in the Federal Register on June 17, 2024. Comments must be received by July 17, 2024. Comments received before the deadline will be posted online and made available for public review.

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