“The use of wheat co-products for the milling industry is a common practice in feeding livestock,” DeRouchey said. “For wheat, there are many different classifications of co-products, such as wheat middlings, wheat millrun, wheat shorts and wheat red dog.”
K-State formed a partnership with Kansas Wheat to update what is known about the nutritional value of wheat and wheat co-products.
“Wheat milling co-products – including bran, middlings and shorts – provide good nutritional value,” said Aaron Harries, the vice president of research and operations for Kansas Wheat. “In particular, those products have high phosphorus content, which results in less supplemental phosphorus in the diet, and reduced costs for the producer.”
The two organizations have published the updated research in three fact sheets now available online from Kansas State University. The three publications are:
Wheat Nutritional Properties.
Co-product Nutritional Properties.
Off-quality utilization.
According to DeRouchey, key findings in the fact sheets include:
Wheat contains higher levels of crude protein and amino acids compared to other cereal grains. “This allows for less soybean meal inclusion in the diet.
Wheat’s standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids is similar to corn, but greater than barley and sorghum,” DeRouchey said.
The phosphorus content of wheat is 0.27%, and has very high digestible phosphorus because it contains intrinsic phytase.
Pelleted wheat diets have been found to have significantly greater pellet durability index, as much as 33.1% compared to corn-based diets. “Even if wheat is not used as the main cereal grain (in a swine diet), it can be incorporated into diets as a pelleting aid,” DeRouchey said.
Harries notes that the updated findings on feeding wheat to swine “provides valuable new information for swine feeders.”
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