U.S. Domestic Swine Diseases Within Expected Levels

Jun 15, 2020

The Swine Health Information Center reports, despite some minor changes, the main diseases that affect the U.S. swine herd are within expected levels. As part of its monthly newsletter the Swine Health Information Center has released its June Domestic and Global Swine Disease Monitoring Reports.
SHIC Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says this month's domestic monitoring report includes data on PRRS, PED, PDCoV, Mycoplasma and CNS syndrome submissions.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
All of these are about in the areas of what we would expect but there are some trends and some changes that are interesting to note. One thing is, even though it's within the expected values for PRRS infections, there has been a slight uptick in PRRS diagnosis and PRRS infections on finishing floors. There's nothing out of the ordinary really, not a statistical difference but an interesting difference.
The advisory group that we work with to tell us about the real life application of this data says that that's most probably because of the slight increase in PRRS infections in the breeding herd during the colder months of the year and now we're seeing that as it applies to the finish floors. Likewise in PED there's a downward trend for PED infections in both nurseries and finishers, which is a good thing.
It continues along within expected levels that are very low level but, within nurseries and finishers, it continues to go down. There's a slight upward tick in PED infections in sows. We're not really sure why we're seeing that. It is within normal limits but it is a trend and it's something we're going to be taking a look at to see if that transfers to nurseries and finishers in the next few reports.

Source : Farmscape
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