The principles of transport biosecurity, biocontainment and bioexclusion are the focus of a wean to harvest biosecurity program now under development.Two task forces, struck by the Swine Health Information Center, the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research and the National Pork Board, one focussing on transport biosecurity and the other on bioexclusion and biocontainment, are in the process of developing criteria for Wean to Harvest Biosecurity program.
SHIC Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg says the objective is to put together a call for proposals that can be sent out in October.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
In our analysis of health data, it has become fairly clear that the infected finishing floors, whether that's with PRRS, PED or it very well could be with the next emerging disease, ASF or something else, can serve as a nidus of infection for the breeding herd.