Take a New Approach has a new face!

Nov 22, 2019
Farm Management Canada would like to announce the launch of the National Farm Business Management Resource Centre now available at www.takeanewapproach.ca.
The website was originally created by the Agri-Food Management Institute (AMI) who unfortunately had to close its doors this past May. Before doing so, AMI asked Farm Management Canada to continue to provide its knowledge resources to farmers. In honour of AMI and the learning resources and programs they built for the agricultural sector, Farm Management Canada is giving a fresh new face and new name to the website.
“The National Farm Business Management Resource Centre will provide farmers across Canada with access to tools and learning opportunities to support farm business skills development all in one place,” says Heather Watson, Executive Director of Farm Management Canada.
From business planning tools to workshops and webinars, the website will host farm business management resources in a variety of formats to meet the learning preference and practices of Canada’s farmers.
Planning for success may seem daunting, but it can be as easy as starting here, with a commitment to learning more, and finding the tools that can help you start, grow or transition your farm business.
Source : Farm Management Canada
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