Note that this extension of time for compliance with clause 7.36.3 only, does not relieve appliance owners, operators or fuel distributors from compliance with any other provision of the Gaseous Fuels regulation, the Code Adoption Document or any adopted code, including provisions relating to the discovery of an appliance or work in an unacceptable condition (as defined by the regulation).
Original Gaseous Fuels Code Adoption Document requirement:
Minimum ventilation rate of the barn (mechanical or natural ventilation) when unvented propane or natural heaters are operating is not less than 300 CFM / 100,000 BTUH (0.003 CFM/BTUH) of heaters input [clause 7.36.1(c)].
Maximum input of the heating appliances does not exceed 20 BTUH/FT3 of the space in which the appliance is located [clause 7.36.1(d)].
The Technical Safety and Standards Association (TSSA) is a private company delegated by the province of Ontario to enforce the Code.
Please contact Sam Bradshaw at 519-482-8778 or for more unvented gas heater information.
Ontario Pork
Source: Ontario Pork