By Jim Salfer
Estimates are that COVID-19 has caused the supply of milk to exceed the demand for milk by up to ten percent. The hope is that this reduced domestic demand and lower exports will be temporary. As a result, in some areas of the country, processors are dumping milk. Other farmers are under milk quotas or are being asked to reduce supply.
Strategies for early dry off
Strategies that purposely decrease milk production in early lactation cows will decrease milk production the entire lactation. However, it is important to develop a strategy for dry off and treatment of cows with long dry days to minimize the risk of transition problems when these cows calve again.
One of the main goals should be to maintain cow health and ensure that cows have the capacity to resume normal milk production in the subsequent lactation. Here are some ideas to consider that will increase the likelihood that this strategy is successful.
Adhere to dry off protocols
Management practices to reduce milk production of high producing cows at dry off will reduce the risk of dry period mastitis.