State lifts requirements on intrastate movement of swine

Jun 13, 2014

BISMARCK – North Dakota’s state veterinarian says requirements for in-state movement of swine have been discontinued.

The decision was made at the June 10 meeting of the State Board of Animal Health. Interstate requirements are still in place for all swine being imported into North Dakota.

In March, as a result of industry concerns regarding porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv), the Board instituted requirements for a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI), individual identification, and a statement regarding PEDv for all pigs moving within the state.

“The intrastate movement requirements were originally deemed necessary to help address the risk of introduction of PEDv due to the increasing incidence in the U.S. and the fact that the first North Dakota case had been identified in February,” said Dr. Susan Keller.

The Board agreed that the temporary requirement has raised awareness of the disease and the importance of biosecurity. No additional cases of PEDv have been identified in the state since the first affected herd was identified.
“A swine producer’s biosecurity plans are a critical part of keeping novel swine enteric corona viruses and other diseases out of their operations,” said Daryl Dukart, Dunn Center, board member. “PED virus can move into an operation on objects such as tires and shoes. Feed is also being investigated as a possible pathway of disease introduction.”

Keller said swine exhibitors should contact local extension agents and fair managers for swine exhibition requirements for specific events.
“The biosecurity protocols that producers and fair associations have set up could continue to be used,” Dukart added. “They are the best safety net for the industry.”

Source: North Dakota Department of Agriculture

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