An intimate look at the lives of farmers and ranchers in their ‘20s
Tonight is the North Carolina Premiere of Farmland. The film has been viewed in a number of venue and states over the past few months. Farmland was made with the support of the US Farmers & Ranchers Alliance
US Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is an industry group that brings together more than 80 farmer and rancher-led organizations and agricultural partners representing virtually all aspects of agriculture. The Alliance works to raise awareness of, and demystify the agriculture and food supply industries. It works to engage in dialogue with consumers who have questions about how today’s food is grown and raised. Their goals is to increase confidence and trust in today’s agriculture.
Most Americans have never stepped foot on a farm or ranch or even talked to the people who grow and raise the food consumer’s eat. The movie “Farmland” takes an intimate look at the lives of farmers and ranchers in their ‘20s, all of whom are now responsible for running their farming business.