Spraying Accurately With John Deere Autotrac Vision And Autotrac Rowsense

Jun 28, 2016

Once crops have been planted and emergence begins, producers move on to spraying, with an eye towards a healthy yield come harvest season. However, without machine guidance solutions, producers may struggle with challenging terrain, drift, or irregular planting patterns.

Thanks to John Deere’s new AutoTrac™ Vision and AutoTrac RowSense™ solutions, these challenges can be overcome and spraying equipment will be able to track with increased accuracy between crop rows.
AutoTrac Vision
If you have corn, soybean, or cotton crops that have grown to be at least 6 inches in height, AutoTrac Vision will be able to use its single-lens camera (mounted on the front of the sprayer) to help the equipment’s wheels stay in the center of the rows. If you are battling tight application windows, this solution will allow you to increase sprayer speed from 14 to 18 mph. The technology can be used up until there is 90 percent canopy closure.
As a result of equipping sprayers with AutoTrac Vision, you will likely realize a severe reduction in crop damage and be able to turn your focus to tasks outside of steering the equipment.

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