Conduct regular health checks as the temperatures rise to stay ahead of any emerging health issues. Heat stress can quickly become critical with pigs since they are prone to sunburn and cannot sweat like most livestock. Signs of heat stress include heavy panting, gaping mouth, lethargy, refusal to eat, red patches of skin, and difficulty moving. A vet should be called if this persists for a lengthy time; however, getting the pigs into a shady spot and getting water in them and on their underbelly as soon as possible should start relieving some of the symptoms.
If your pigs are in a pasture system, rotating them and preventing overgrazing are essential to keeping the herd and your pastures healthy. A deworming program should be utilized to keep pigs protected from internal and external parasites. Parasites will hinder the pig’s health and production. Plan on managing pastures to stay ahead of reseeding forages and possibly supplement the pigs for what nutrients they are not getting from the pasture.
Pest control and management will also be necessary for any environment where pigs are; keeping birds, rodents and other livestock out of the pigs' space helps keep the herd healthy and disease-free.
Record keeping is creating and maintaining detailed records, such as feeding schedules, health observations, medications and treatments, manure management and deaths. This information can be valuable for planning and identifying patterns or trends.
If you are in a breeding program, spring and summer can be tricky times of year to keep the breeding herd content. Again, watch closely for heat stress, as this can critically alter the health of the sow and the piglets. Be prepared to assist in keeping the sows and gilts comfortable during the daytime heat. Plan breeding schedules for favorable weather conditions. Provide adequate facilities for farrowing, ensuring that sows have a relaxed, secure environment for giving birth. This may include providing cooling assistance like fans and sprinklers.
Since the weather conditions are more favorable for manure management during the summer, it is essential to keep GAAMP's sustainable practices in mind. It is also important to remember how to properly dispose of and contain dead animals in the hot months.
By focusing on these aspects of pig management, small swine farms can promote the health and well-being of the animals while optimizing productivity during the spring and summer months. Regular observation and adaptation to changing conditions are crucial for successful pig farming.
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