North Dakota State University Extension and University of Minnesota Extension are hosting a webinar at 7:30 p.m. CDT on April 29 for producers to learn more about sheep and goat grazing during drought conditions.
The webinar, “Thriving Through Drought: Regenerative Grazing Strategies for Sheep and Goats,” will cover grazing management strategies for sheep and goats as they interact with pasture and range this summer.
“A majority of Minnesota is classified as abnormally dry as of the April 1 drought monitor,” says Travis Hoffman, Extension sheep specialist for NDSU and UMN. “Planning the next grazing season with limited resources is going to be critical for grazing utilization of small ruminants.”
Jonathan Kilpatrick with the Minnesota Sustainable Farming Association will discuss pasture management strategies for drought conditions and other topics related to grazing and drought. He has many years of experience getting the most of pastures and will share his passion for grazing management strategies.