Water samples can be taken to one of the SDSU Extension sites. Samples must be collected in a clean plastic or glass container, such as a sanitized water or pop bottle or jelly jar.
A quick test is conducted free of charge with an electro-conductivity (EC) meter to determine total salts in the water. After consultation with an SDSU Extension field or state specialist, Salverson said additional laboratory testing may be suggested, but will be at the cost of the producer.
“Completing a free, quick test is a cheap insurance policy,” she said.
Salverson said there are many factors that determine water quality. South Dakota soils tend to be high in salt content, which can in turn raise the salt levels in dugouts, creeks and streams. Snowfall, rain, grazing management – everything contributes to water quality.
“Really consider and think about your grazing management and how that is influencing or impacting your water, and is that a good thing or bad thing,” Salverson said.
Source : sdstate.edu